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Founder and Guide

Buzz is a dedicated husband, father, and son. He has been an elementary school teacher for almost 20 years, with experience in juvenile residential treatment. He developed a passion for the outdoors through his upbringing in Vermont. Buzz developed his skills as a guide through multi-day canoe trips on the western slope.  He has lived in Colorado for the last 25 years and enjoys taking full advantage of all the state has to offer avid outdoor enthusiasts. On weekends and throughout the summer summer you might find him dirt biking, Jeeping, fly fishing, hiking, rafting, and camping.  




Greg is passionate about helping others find their purpose in life. He is a teacher at heart and has spent most of his life learning about and passing on the necessary skills needed to be a better hunter, angler, and well-rounded outdoorsman. He is a fly fishing guide and destination trip host; and his favorite thing is chasing native trout deep in the wilderness with his wife and dog. Life is meant to be lived, and you can't be around Greg for very long without experiencing that!

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An avid backpacker and hiker, Salt Garrison is no stranger to the great outdoors.  When not out in nature, Salt is a professional speaker, Human Behavioral Specialist, and mentor devoted to teaching people how to empower and master their lives both personally and professionally.  Salt is a single dad of four kids, who he adores though they often drive him crazy as well.  Salt's motto is "Live life unleashed". 




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